UCL student | London Based | AI Research & Development
Verifee Research
At the beginning of 2021 I co-founded the Verifee project and have been working on it with O2 ever since. It is an AI engine that provides an explainable analysis of the credibility of news articles through a browser extension that warns users about dangerous articles. Our mission is to make it available to as many people as possible and to help prevent more people to get manipulated by fake news.
Two years long collaboration with Charles university and Václav Moravec on research regarding the overlap between artificial intelligence and journalism, where we worked on tackling the issue of insufficient amount of high-quality data for disinformation analysis and recognition. We established a methodology for article classification that centres on capturing objectivity and elementality, which allows it to be ideal for producing training data for NLP models. Following-up on this, we have produced a large dataset of annotated articles and we are in the process of publishing our paper on this topic.